Sunday, March 12, 2017

Quiet Sunday

My daughter has been visiting for the past few days, but we have all been so busy that until today we only had an hour or so to relax together. Today, though, all I needed to accomplish was some laundry, grocery shopping, and making a nice dinner before taking her to the airport.

She asked If I could drop her off at a shopping center near the grocery store where I shop so she could do a little shopping for herself. Sure! I dropped her and went on to the grocery. When I was leaving, I texted her to ask where in the shopping center she was. No answer -- not surprising. Gave her a call -- same thing.

I got to the shopping center and called again. Still no answer. So I texted again, saying I was going to Barnes & Noble since I didn't know where she was. Meanwhile I was also texting with my husband, who had gone off to play a community band concert about 45 minutes away and then had tripped and dented his tuba.

I drove over to Barnes & Noble at the far end of the shopping center and went in to look for a cookbook I had read about. It sounded like the kind of cooking I would enjoy but I wanted to see the book. On the way to cookbooks I spied the latest Neil Gaiman! Norse Myths as seen through the eyes of a master of unusual fantasy. Picked it up.

My phone buzzed. It was Jamie saying she was in a nearby store and would come join me. I went to cookbooks, found the new book and sat down to peruse it. Yes! A focus on one delightful dish for dinner, with interesting seasonings and combinations. I stroll over to browse more books and get a call from Jamie. "Are you still at Barnes & Noble?" "Yes," I say glancing to my right, where who do I see buy my lovely daughter with several bags and a smile on her face.

We are soon off to the airport.

The cookbook is Dinner: Changing the Game by Melissa Clark.

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