My husband and I, along with our son, daughter-in-law, two-year-old grandson, and the other grandma, went on a Caribbean cruise about two weeks ago. We had fun, played with monkeys, went to a beach, and visited the oldest synagogue in the Western Hemisphere.
Immediately upon returning to Illinois I got the worst cold I have had in decades. I have obviously lost my teacher immunity. My son calls it the ship crud.
The main problem with being sick was that I had agreed to play a concert with a local community orchestra because they were short of (French) horn players. Not only that, but I agreed to play first horn on the Dvorak's New World Symphony. It's a well-known, popular work with really fun but challenging horn parts.
Playing a brass instrument is somewhat similar to being an athlete. If you don't work out (practice), your muscles lose strength and flexibility. So as sick as I felt, I practiced every day once we got home. Cutting to the chase, the concert went well. First horn players often have assistant horn players who fill in on the loud tutti parts so the first horn can back off and save their chops for the exposed parts. I was so lucky and happy to have a friend playing assistant.
So I have been blowing my germs into my horn for the past 8 days. Now my horn needs a bath to wash out those germs.
Years ago I read a blog post online written by a British horn player about cleaning his horn after being sick. Actually, as I recall, he couldn't seem to shake the illness and kept getting sick repeatedly. The blog post was hilarious. He wrote about washing the horn in his bathtub and expelling a blob of something while soaking the entire bathroom, while laughing at the whole calamity. It was more dramatic than trying to wash a cat, (which I have done). (His blog post is no longer on line or I would post the link. I'm not naming him in case he wants to forget the whole horn bath experience.)
Once I stop coughing and sneezing, it will be bath time.