Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Babysitting Adventure

 Last week I wrote about buying baby equipment. Yesterday we got to use it; we babysat him for about 9 hours! You forget how all-encompassing taking care of a baby is. And exhausting.

Also how confusing baby equipment is to put together!

He is a happy guy, but was still quite distressed when his parents left to go attend a wedding in Milwaukee, over an hour away (though he didn't know that). He did calm down and we had a good time reading books (sturdy board books - who knew that Jimmy Fallon wrote children's books!), playing ball (just rolling it, no playing catch yet!) and sitting in the backyard looking at things.

We were quite exhausted by his bedtime at 7:00. Both of us (my husband and I) learned a lot. Or maybe remembered a lot.

But the absolute best part of the day was that he smiles at me when he looks at me. He is happy to see me!

And today is a day to recuperate.


  1. Being a grandparent is the best role in life, I think! I know that magical feeling of "he smiles at me when he looks at me" - one's heart overflows. We watch our granddaughters two days a week - and it is so exhausting and so wonderful - and there is nothing better than the rest and recuperation of the next day, lol. Loved this! Also, ours are 2 and 4 years of age - and loving a book by another entertainer, Seth Meyers' I'm Not Scared, You're Scared. So fun!

  2. It is the best, which I didn't really expect before he was born. I'm now looking forward to lots more time with him!

  3. Sounds like you had a great bonding day. We had a visit with our great nephew (8 months old) a couple of months ago at his grandparents' home. Just seeing his constant motion tired me out. Glad you had a fun day.

    1. It was fun, but also tiring, as you said! Maybe we'll build up stamina.
