Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Reading Life

 I love reading and spend a lot of time every day reading - novels, newspapers, magazines, blog posts...

I can remember a time before reading. I started kindergarten in 1958, when Dick and Jane, point and say, were the big thing in education. I don't remember actually learning to read, but I do remember the reading groups in first grade and that despite the bird names - bluebird, robin, etc. -  I knew very well that I was not in the top group. 

I did learn to read and reading became a passion. In later elementary school, I would read novels in our living room, neglecting to turn on the lamp when it started getting dark. My mother repeatedly said I would ruin my eyes reading in the dark. I did end up with glasses but I think that was more due to genetics than reading in the dark. 

My reading passion for quite a few years was dog books. I read all the Albert Payson Terhune books, beginning with Lad: A Dog. I read all the Big Red books by Jim Kjelgaard after Disney made a film based on the first book (though in Disney fashion, nothing like the book). I gave oral book reports on each of the three Big Red books; my 6th grade teacher suggested that I should read something else for a change. I think there were other dog books but I'm not remembering them now. 

I also read all the Bobbsey Twin books, all of Nancy Drew, all of the Freddy the pig books, and lots more. If you haven't heard of Freddie and his friends, you can read about the series here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freddy_the_Pig

I don't remember reading much in college except for textbooks of course. Somewhere along the way I found mysteries other than Nancy Drew, starting with Peter Whimsy, because of the PBS series. British mysteries! Agatha Christie! Dorothy Sayers! Margery Allingham! And of course, Sherlock Holmes!

I still enjoy rereading my old favorites as well as finding new series. My husband jokes that I never go anywhere without a book. Not entirely true, but I do stuff one in my purse when we're going to take the train into Chicago. 

Reading - an education, an vacation from real life, sometimes calming, sometimes the opposite. 


  1. Our reading journey is quite similar. I remember going to the library and getting a stack of picture books & having Mom helping me read those books about Joe & his bike. Eventually I discovered mysteries like The Boxcar Children which led me to Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys then Agatha Christie because I wanted something more "grown up." I still love mysteries & like you I love finding new series.

    1. Yes, those visits to the library to get new books! And the summer reading programs.

  2. I relate to your thoughts because I too love reading. I always keep a book with me, just in case I need to read :) I am now listening to audio books too. They are fun. Regards, Lakshmi

    1. Reading (and listening) is a great way to spend time when you have no other obligations.

  3. I remember the Golden Books I had as a child. Of course, I read the whole Hardy Boys series. We also had the Childcraft books that went with the encyclopedia series we had. I don't remember a time without books in my life.

    1. arjeha commented above. My name did not appear.

  4. Great line - "Reading - an education, an vacation from real life, sometimes calming, sometimes the opposite." It truly sums up what reading can be.

  5. This sentence reminded me of a reading adventure I had when it seemed like I'd never find the time to read-for-me again, (and a possible future blog post topic!). "I don't remember reading much in college except for textbooks of course." College will do that to us. You're among fellow-readers on this blogging site, that's for sure.Lots of us take books everywhere...just in case. Happy Page-turning!

  6. There are a few trigger words that make me click on a post and read: books, cookies, grandchildren, cats. I wrote about books today and mentioned Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew too . And now I remember The Happy Hollister books. Did you ever read them?

    1. I don't remember reading the Happy Hollisters, but I definitely know of that series. I also read the Cherry Ames nurse books.

  7. I love this post! Reflecting on your reading lineage is important for all readers! You reminded me to to do this with my students!

    1. I always did read-alouds with my classes - first kindergarten, then 4th grade - and I loved sharing favorites from my childhood with them.
