Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Black Hole: Refrigerator Cleaning Time

My husband is a retired high school band director. Successful school band directors need to be organized. Think about the scheduling of events, the music library, grading, field trips, fundraising, etc. 

I am not disorganized, but I would call myself more organically organized. It's in my head for the most part, though I have started making more lists and calendars as I've gotten older. 

Anyway, it was definitely time to clean out the fridge. He also loves cleaning. I know, I'm lucky! 

So cleaning and organization came together yesterday when he decided he would create a database of everything in our refrigerator. So I continued with the triage, throwing the expired items and things we're never going to use, while he started the list of everything that is staying in the fridge, with its assigned shelf or drawer. (I'm guessing other people also buy an ingredient for a particular recipe and then that thing stays in the fridge, getting pushed more and more to the back.) I'm not sure how that database is going to work considering how often things move in and out of the refrigerator, but I'm game to try.

He did this with the freezer last week, but we just have the freezer that's connected to the fridge, so there's not a lot in there compared to the refrigerator. The list of items in the freezer is posted on the door and we cross things off as we use them up, and write them in as I add things. That's working so far. I do love looking in the freezer and not seeing a packed and frosty ice cave. I'm hoping for a similar result in the fridge section. 

Then it's the challenge of keeping it that way!


  1. Good luck, Becky! I am more "organically organized" as well. I had to laugh as you described that "ingredient you buy for a particular recipe," and its status as occupant but not participant. I bought preserved lemons a month ago for a Moroccan adventure and there the survivors sit. I need to look up other ways to use them. I am super-impressed with the freezer list. The freezer tend to be an ice cave, for sure.

    1. Our freezer is amazing at the moment -- there is extra room and you can see everything!

  2. Oh yes, that ingredient you buy for one recipe. And then if that recipe isn’t a keeper it gets moved around and around. I have never made a list for refrigerator, but I have for our freezer and it works…for a while until I forget to cross something off or add something new. Arjeha

    1. That's what I'm thinking -- it's going to be hard to keep remembering to update the lists.

  3. HE is a KEEPER! I am lucky to wipe things out now and then!
