Tuesday, February 13, 2024


 We've lived in our house for 44 years and in that time we have accumulated a lot more stuff. So have our two children, who left an awful lot of their stuff here when they left home. Clothing, toys, video games, books (lots of books) - it's all here, sitting undisturbed for the the most part. And my husband and I have lots more books, records (the kind you play on a turntable), and paper - lots of paper.

So I am on a mission to declutter. It's a part time mission, but I'm keeping at it. Most recently I've been culling cookbooks. I like to cook and try new recipes and over the years I have acquired quite a few cookbooks. I've been paging through them and noting on sticky notes the recipes that I have made (and that we actually liked). It's interesting to see how our (my husband and my) tastes have changed over the years. I also rediscovered recipes that we liked but somehow fell off the radar. 

I realized after I started writing this post that I wrote about my cookbooks in an earlier post. Oh well.

I also have a closet full of stuff from my teaching career. I thought when I retired that I might use some of it for teaching at summer school or after school programs. I retired three years ago and haven't touched it. Maybe that's something I'm not going to do.

Then there's the craft supplies - sigh. I stopped doing most sewing type projects when I couldn't see well enough to do cross stitch, etc. But now I've had cataract surgery and can see really well. Will I take it up again? 

My mother did a fantastic job of decluttering her life. Everything was in order when she passed away. The  only things to take care of were her belongings in her apartment. In addition, my brother, sister, me, and all our assorted children all get along, so there was no fighting about who gets what. 

I'm planning to emulate my mother. the decluttering continues!


  1. I came here hoping for some tips...but I guess the big takeaway is just stay at it, bit by piece! We never had children, so that's a help, but when you live with a borderline hoarder...sigh! Just stay at it, bit by bit!

    1. What a good idea, to share tips. One helpful site is https://www.becomingminimalist.com/. I can't remember if I got this idea from Becoming Minimalist or somewere else -- at the beginning of January I turn all my hangers around and then when I wear something for the first time that year, I put the clothes on the hanger the normal way. At the end of the year I can see which clothes I have not worn at all. Then I decide whether or not to keep those items.

  2. I wish you well with this project. We have been trying to declutter for years. I still boxes of teaching supplies and I retired 11 years ago. We have books on both levels of our house yes when we were in Books-A-Million last week I bought some more. I sometimes the decluttering fairy would come at night and do her thing so that when I wake up the next morning the clutter is all gone. arjeha

    1. If you find contact information for the decluttering fairy, let me know!

  3. I have been on this decluttering journey myself the past few years. Right now it's not going well. I feel a bit overwhelmed by my closet. I've managed to toss out most of the school crap, but more needs to go. I wish I'd been less interested in clothes during my teaching days. I sent a lot of dress clothing to a student teacher who lost a lot of weight and needed a new wardrobe. Maybe when the weather warms I'll get motivated to clean and purge. It's a good mission to have, and I always feel better when I get rid of a lot of things.

  4. This is such a hard process! I watched my parents struggle with this, as well as my mother-in-law. Greg insists that we need to do a better job, so our kids don’t have to sort through so much. It’s hard! Thank you for reminding me to just keep at it!

    1. It is hard - so many sentimental things, things "maybe I'll need one day," etc.

  5. Oh yes, this post is near and dear to my heart. THIS is my 2024 resolution as well as my One Little Word. I too am on this decluttering journey and it is HARD as well as emotionally DRAINING! I try to work on it at least a few days a week, but I take ANY excuse I can find!

    1. I realize I should add decluttering to my list of daily things to do. Even if it's just a few minutes.

  6. Decluttering is so hard because it means deciding that this project or this idea connected to this object is something you will not do. That decision to me always feels a little like dying, which is why it is so hard for me to declutter. But after cleaning out my mother's apartment and my sister's apartment, I knew I had to get to work on my own home. So I'm with you on the bit by bit.

    1. I know! Will I take up crafting and sewing again? Or let it go?
