Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The mysterious tinnitus

 I have blogged about hearing before (https://sherlockesque.blogspot.com/2024/03/music-noise-and-hearing.html). I have a new hearing issue and apparently it's quite rare. Lucky me!

I started getting a pulsing in my ears - not all the time, but sometimes. It's like a drum slowly beating. I brought it up to two of my doctors and neither had an answer. My ENT sent me for scans of my head, which showed that I'm normal, or at least my brain is. Yay! [Cue "Young Frankenstein" and Abby Normal.]

So I googled my symptoms, not something my doctors would endorse, I think. But I found my answer. I have pulsative tinnitus, a rare form of tinnitus. I am hopeful that when I tell my doctors they will take me seriously and not be offended that I self-diagnosed with Google. 

I play in three music groups, a band, an orchestra, and a (French) horn choir. The pulsing is worse after a particularly loud rehearsal or concert. I will experiment to see what might help - I really don't want to quit playing. 

On the other hand, I am grateful that I am generally very healthy. I am able to do pretty much everything that I want to do - travel, babysit the grandson, go to concerts, visit friends. And my husband and I will continue to do those things and more!


  1. I don’t know that there is anything more frustrating than a doctor not having a diagnosis for symptoms that are described. I don’t think they should be annoyed when you tell them you did some on line searching. It should give them a starting point. Good luck. arjeha

    1. I think I just need to be tactful in telling them. My cardiologist probably doesn't remember me telling him about my symptoms, but my ENT definitely will!
