Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 We all know the Democratic National Convention is in Chicago right now. My husband and I are avoiding the Chicago Loop and the United Center area. We are watching parts of it on various screens -- last night it was my husband's phone. 

One of my former students is at the convention! She is with a group called Civic Influencers, which works to get younger people and diverse people involved and voting. It is always a pleasure to find out what my former students are doing, but I am particularly proud of what this student is working for. 

I don't want this post to be about partisan politics. Instead, I am thinking about the excitement of the Convention and the history behind our elections, all the way back to George Washington. I'm not that knowledgable about that history*, but I know the election process has become more inclusive and of course, we all have access to seeing at least parts of the nomination process via the Convention being broadcast.

I'm also thinking about all the work that gets done off camera - my student working for civic engagement, others working to bring various issues to the attention of people who may have influence. 

The Convention continues tonight and we'll be watching again.

*I taught American history to 4th graders, from Jamestown through the end of the Revolutionary War for 17 years. I tried to learn something new each year, whether I could use it in my teaching or not. I know quite a lot about that time period!


  1. How exciting for your former student! It's mind-boggling how much work must go into putting on these conventions.

    1. I agree! Not to be flippant, just the number of different signs the delegates held up during the speeches -- someone(s) had the job of getting hundreds of them made and distributed.

  2. It it always thrilling when we see or hear something one of our former students is doing that can make a difference and knowing that we had some small, or maybe big, part in molding that student into who s/he is today. Congratulations to you and your student. arjeha

  3. Becky, Congratulations on your student and that amazing project. I know your teacher heart is swelled w/ pride, as it should be. My niece lives in Chicago. I need to check in w/ her! And it’s okay to write something partisan. One party certainly has taken a meat cleaver to our profession in my lifetime, so I’ll never support their agenda.

    1. I think anyone who thinks teaching is easy should have to spend a week teaching in an elementary school, any school.

  4. It's so great when one of your former students does something of importance to society. And that she's at the convention is exciting—it does bring you closer to the event yourself. I hope you get a chance to talk to her about her experiences this week.

    1. Yes, I'll have to contact her after the Convention.
