Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Unanswered Questions

 Today I have decided to use Tammy Evans' prompt: Make a list of 10 questions that have no answers. Or maybe have absurd answers.

Why I am so bad with technology?

Will I ever be fluent in French? (I'm working on it, but I really have no idea.)

How do you know when it's time to quit?

Who are those people who like lutefisk? (No offense intended - I am Norwegian by ancestry.)

Why can't I ever remember my dreams? (The ones while I sleep, not the real-life dreams.)

Does everyone talk to themselves?

Are there really ghosts?

Will I be able to read all the books I want to read?

Will I finish writing a novel? (This qualifies as a question with no answer because I have no idea what happens next in the story.)

Does the squirrel that hangs out in my backyard like the squished berries I throw out for her?

That was challenging, but I did it!

Side note: The American composer Charles Ives wrote a piece titled "The Unanswered Question." It's quite a haunting piece. You can listen to the LA Philharmonic playing it here: https://www.laphil.com/musicdb/pieces/765/the-unanswered-question


  1. This is a fun post. I love your list of questions. One I would add to my list: Why do cats wait to use their litter box until after I clean it? arjeha

    1. LOL. That is so true about cats. I think they like a very clean litter box!

  2. Go finish that novel! The rest of the questions can remain unanswered.

    1. LOL. Okay, I'll give it a try. NaNoWriMo is coming up in November. I'll do some prepping now and give it my best in November.
