Monday, November 27, 2023

Menu Plannning - Keeping things interesting

 We need groceries, so before I go to the store, I need to make a plan for the week. It's a flexible plan, but I need a plan. A week of dinner plans.

I have gotten more organized over the years. On my weekly plan I note the name of the main course recipe, where to find the recipe, and what ingredients I need. 

But, we both get bored with some repeated recipes, so this week I went searching for either new recipes or dishes I hadn't made in a while. At the same time, I decided to pare down my cookbook collection. I have quite a few cookbooks; some I use all the time, others infrequently, and some in which I have not tried any recipes. I like cookbooks and tend to keep accumulating them!

I am now a pescatarian (fish and plants), but I am also lactose-intolerant. My husband cannot eat spicy food without a trip to the emergency room. So, many recipes are out for us. And I now turn to the internet more and more when I'm looking for recipe ideas. 

But, cookbooks have charm. I have a few historic cookbooks from the 18th and 19th centuries, some reprints and a few originals. Some spiral bound cookbooks published by organizations - churches, symphonies. Cookbooks from places I have visited - Colonial Williamsburg, Door County, the Pacific Northwest. One cookbook in French that I bought in France many years ago. Quite a few Chinese cookbooks! And some Italian as well. A lot of vegetarian and vegan cookbooks. I will keep all the cookbooks that I actually cook from and all the cookbooks with sentimental or historic meaning. Also my favorite cookbook authors - the Moosewood Collective, Mollie Katzen, Mark Bittman, Chloe Coscarelli, Isa Moskowitz...

What's your favorite cookbook? Or do you use the internet instead?


  1. I so enjoyed learning about you as a cook through your list of cookbooks! My daughter has add The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook to her Christmas Wish list.

    1. That is a cookbook that I have not seen. I hope she gets it for Christmas!

  2. I’m not a cookbook collector. Nor do I use the cookbooks I have often. But The Joy of Cooking and The Betty Crocker cookbook were staples for me in the 80s and 90s. I do like the blending of story w/ recipes in modern cookbooks. My sister is a cookbook hoarder. These days I use Pinterest, All Recipes, and the NYT cooking app often for recipes. It’s easier than having a cookbook on the counter. Exception: Tiny cookbooks I’ve had since the early 80s from the home ec department at the school where I taught provide holiday treats.

    1. I love Betty Crocker! My copy is from the 1960s I think. I always turn to it for pies -- the best trtaditional recipes.

  3. I admit that I have more cookbooks than I need. I also get daily recipes in my email. If it sounds good I print it. Now, I just need to try making some of them. Kathy’s go to cookbook is Joy of Cooking. arjeha

    1. I also print recipes off the computer. My daughter never prints them, but I would not be able to find them again if I didn't print!

  4. Sympathies- I am not a collector, but I have quite a few cookbooks and do keep some even when I really dont use them. You are right, many have historical interest. More and more I google a recipe, but I also go back into my books. and aren’t those small number, community published (church, junior league…) cookbooks wonderful! Somehow I feel they have the pulse on what people really are willing to do and really enjoy.

    1. You are right about the pulse that cookbooks have on cooking and eating. I'm sure someone somewhere has done a study on cookbooks and what they say about different time periods.

  5. My favorite cookbook is a binder my husband created with online recipes organized by type of food like entrees, seafood, bread, desserts.

    1. What a lovely gift from your husband! I have two 3-ring binders with recipes from friends, relatives, and the internet. I use it all the time.
