Monday, March 7, 2022

Subbing in the best class!

 Today I am subbing in 5th grade. I retired this past June after teaching at the same school for 22 years. The school is an independent (private) school for gifted children. Like every school right now, they have a very small sub pool. 

Subbing is always an adventure. Even though I was a full-time teacher less than a year ago, some classes, many in fact, try to take advantage of me as a sub -- "Mrs. S always lets us do such and such." Really? Run through the halls? Look at papers in your desk during a test? Talk constantly?

Today, however, I am with the best class! I taught 4th grade for the past 16 years, so I know most of these kids from last year. They are self-motivated, kind to each other, and know how to run the classroom technology! (I am the sub who has to call for the tech guy multiple times each day.) 

In math, their teacher had left a problem-solving activity titled "Math and Science Will Tell your the Truth." So relevant to today's world! They worked in cooperative groups. Coming up later is women's history research with a persuasive essay. Fun times!


  1. I give you so much credit for subbing! I can only imagine the things you have heard that the teachers supposedly let the students do! Haha. I'm sure your school is thankful for you and your willingness to sub! You are right, there is such a shortage of subs right now! Hope the rest of your day is great!

  2. So great that you can sub in the school you taught at, but funny that the students still think they can outfox you. I can totally identify with the tech issues.

    1. The tech is so challenging! These kids were so competent with it though.

  3. I love the examples you gave re: what they try and get away with! So true. You captured perfectly the ups and downs of being a sub!
