Friday, March 18, 2022

The Tooth Fairy

 When I was a child, the tooth fairy came whenever my sister, brother, or I lost a tooth. The tooth fairy left a quarter under our pillow and made off with the tooth. It seemed like a fair deal to us.

When my own two children started losing their teeth, I decided to take the fairy idea a little further. The fairy left not only the cash (I truly can't remember how much!) but a letter. Each of my two children had their own fairy. My daughter's fairy was named Evangeline and my son's was Esmerelda. They both wrote letters to the fairies, asking a LOT of questions. Mostly questions were of the "where do you live?", "what do you do with the teeth?" type of questions. 

Ben, though, wanted to know what kind of car the fairy drove and if she flew "Tooth Airlines." He became unhappy with Esmerelda for some reason, I don't remember what, and asked for a new fairy. So he got Edgar, who wrote:

"Hey Dude!
Where's the tooth?
Esmerelda is sik.
I am taking her place for today.

After another such note from "Edgar,"  Ben decided Esmerelda was not such a lame fairy after all and appealed to get her back.

We had a fun time with the tooth fairies, but eventually all the baby teeth had fallen out. My daughter's last letter to her tooth fairy is bittersweet in retrospect:

Dear Toothfairy,

I have forgoten your name, could you please 

tell me it? I have lost my last tooth! 

So I don't think I will hear 

from you again. [sad face] .... 

Please write back to me. Goodbye!


Jamie [smiley face]



  1. My daughter figured out the Tooth Fairy a few weeks ago. She is 11 and had a loose tooth. She confronted me about it and I had to tell the truth. Of course when the tooth fell out she pointed out I could still give her money. :)

  2. This is adorable. What a treat to have that final letter. Our tooth fairy never had money, lol! They left me directions to get some from the ATM. My youngest didn't want to partake. She wanted to keep her teeth and didn't think it was a fair trade. The fairy has all of those other teeth after all, why the need for more? I later found her collection of lost teeth in a heart shaped tin.
