Monday, March 18, 2024

A memory of practical problem solving

 Once again I turned to my book, "642 Things to Write About," looking for a blog idea. The book  is intended for young writers, so I generally adapt the ideas. Today's prompt is "What would you do if your parents forget to pick you up after school?"

I was in high school, but not yet driving. My town had two unconnected libraries, the large Greenwich Public Library, and the small Perrot Library. Neither was very close to our house. My mom had dropped me off at the Perrot Library. I don't remember why I needed to go there. Someone was supposed to come pick me up at a designated time. But no one came. 

This was way, way before cell phones. I waited and waited. I don't really know why I didn't ask the librarians to use the phone. I don't think it even occurred to me to ask. Or maybe the library had closed by then. It was way after the time I was supposed to be picked up - maybe 45 minutes or so. So I decided I had better just walk home. It was not particularly close to our house. In fact, I just now used Google Maps to find out -- it would take about an hour to walk from the library to our address. I knew it was far, but I couldn't think of another option. And I did know the way. 

So I began walking. I had walked maybe half a mile when I saw our family car. My dad was driving. I was able to get his attention. He stopped and picked me up and we drove home. I don't remember my parents' reaction. It's a rather fuzzy memory at this point. I do remember thinking that I needed to figure it out myself and not rely on others. What I nervous? I don't remember. But then, I did know I could get home on my own.


  1. The plus side of this shows your resourcefulness. Lucky you spotted your father before e passed and went to the library looking for you and you weren't there.

    1. There I go forgetting to include my name again. arjeha

  2. I think you hit on something very important- you figured it out yourself. I feel that is one thing that kids don't get enough practice with now because a solution is just a text or Google away. Glad you made it home safely.
