Friday, March 29, 2024

Mary Poppins meets Samwise Gamgee

 Yesterday's conversation between Lord Peter Whimsey and Winnie-the-Pooh was so much fun to write that today I'm imagining another conversation.

Mary Poppins: Well, hello. You must be my new charge. I can't say I've ever nannied a child who looks like you.

Samwise Gamgee: I'm not a child! I'm a hobbit.

Mary: A hobbit? Let me think. Not a habit? No, that makes no sense. 

Samwise: No! A HOB-bit. We are a race of beings, shorter than humans, with furry feet. We live mostly in underground homes.

Mary: Hmm. Do you need a nanny? Or possibly a somewhat magical nanny?

Samwise: I am not a child!! Hobbits are just shorter than humans like you. If you don't believe me, you can look us up in Wikipedia! I'll even give you the link:

Mary: Do you have a child, perhaps? I need children in order to fulfill my purpose. 

Samwise (suspiciously): What do you need children for? What do you do with them?

Mary: I introduce magic into their lives. But I do it while acting the cross nanny and denying any magical happenings. I am NOT the Disney Mary Poppins! That saccharine creature is a travesty of, of, I can't think of a fitting word. But, children grow up too fast, especially now. They need magic. They will grow up and perhaps forget, but something of magic will always stay with them.

Samwise: My story has magic in it, too. But it is a darker, more dangerous magic. And it left a mark on every being who touched the Ring. 

Mary: I am sorry to hear that. You have escaped from its clutches?

Samwise: Yes. It was a very near thing, though, for my friend Frodo. And some darkness stayed with him.

Mary: You don't need a nanny, magical or not. What do you need?

Samwise: I need nothing. I came home and married my sweetheart Rosie and we have 13 children. That is all I ever wanted in life.

Mary: I will leave you then. I need to find children who need me. I can see that your children have everything they need with you and Rosie.

Samwise: Farewell. It was interesting meeting you.

Mary: Likewise. 

[Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and sails away into the sky.]

Samwise: Time to go home. I am a most fortunate creature. 


  1. What a fun and funny post with two of my favorite characters!

    1. Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing it. It was almost like the characters took over and all I had to do was write it down.

  2. A great meeting/conversation between two interesting characters. This is fun format. arjeha
